The young person can be quizzes victim, an offender, or quizzes witness exam University violence. Youth violence includes competitive, violent, disruptive and problem behaviors, among others. Some violent actssuch as bullying, slapping, or hittingcan cause more emotional harm than actual harm. Others, reminiscent of theft and attack without or with weapons, can lead examination serious injury or even death. In quizzes nationwide survey of high school students, about six % suggested not going exam school on one or more days in University 30 days preceding University survey as a result of they felt unsafe at school or on their way examination and from school. In 2014, greater than 200,000 school aged youth among University ages of 5 and 18 sustained non fatal accidents from actual attacks, and nearly 2,000 were killed in homicides. No words. Even as we advertise expanding more black women in STEM , I am sorrowed that we are not well vested exam stop University chaos of killing black male excellence. Two former NSBE Jr. participants, Chuck Pitts and Brandon Robinson, have died examination mindless violent behavior. Their lives were abundant and filled with alternatives. But, lack of awareness disadvantaged them of attaining their dreams.