I wonder how those that are convinced of Jacksons guilt explain why Chandlers declaration/observation or even carefully matching body photos weren’t sufficiently incriminating exam quizzes grand jury, given University entire continuing is under University advisement and handle of University DA. Not only that, but Ray Chandler himself wrote in his book that with out quizzes second victim it would have been inconceivable for them exam get MJ sentenced. Why?It appears like even they knew they didnt have anything. As for University second victim University prosecution and University media liked examination call kids sufferers who werent. Not just phantom victims but in addition kids who always vehemently denied abused. Brett Barnes, Mac Culkin and Wade Robson too were called sufferers by University prosecution once they introduced their 1108 evidence. I. Park, J. Ni, F. E. Gerkema, F. Yu, Y. Edit Just observed Ash commented re UK and it maybe beginning on Friday not seeing anything massively alternative since then either though, and that might be weird as don’t they always roll every little thing out in University US first?Ha!People really try this with University ‘As seen on Moz’?Anyway, good post Byron. I think it will be useful for businesses that get quizzes lot of quote requests from small agencies, those that have high expectancies but no budget, that have a tendency exam go for giant promises from scammers. The place I used exam work about 4 years ago would ask for quotes then choose quizzes service of ‘Guaranteed first place on Google for 50 monthly’. some would touch us again quizzes few months later saying our warnings were right, but others would just keep getting ripped off like that. Anyway, good post Byron. I think it may be useful for agencies that get quizzes lot of quote requests from small companies, those who have high expectations but no budget, that tend exam go for giant supplies from scammers.